What kind of water cups are suitable for different zodiac signs?

The zodiac is divided according to the solar calendar. Starting from the vernal equinox, each 30-degree movement of the sun on the zodiac is a sign. The corresponding constellations of each sign are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

Stainless Steel Bottle

Aries – Active, enthusiastic, fresh, courageous, intense, fast, explosive, adventurous, aggressive, burning, direct.

Taurus – Stability, slowness, persistence, persistence, security, stubbornness, stubbornness, practicality.

Gemini – fickle, diverse, uncertain, smart, communication, communication, rationality, flow, thinking, learning.

Cancer – maternal love, care, prudence, protection, emotion, willfulness, affection, giving, defense, warmth, security.

Leo – Arrogant and noble, confident and optimistic, idealistic, bold and enthusiastic, expressive, outstanding, positive, egoistic, generous, romantic, childish.

Virgo – Hard-working, studious, truth-seeking, picky, critical, trivial, short-sighted, detail-oriented, orderly, cautious, laborious, and perfect.

Libra – Elegance, balance, peace, cooperation, sociability, indecisive, unscrupulous, flashy, considerate, analytical.

Scorpio – Insight, determination, depth, restraint, darkness, absoluteness, violence, grudge, revenge, mystery, persistence, desire.

Sagittarius – adventure, optimism, positivity, lofty goals, freedom, ideals, enthusiasm, wisdom, travel, straightforwardness.

Capricorn – Conservative, cautious, practical, responsible, reliable, opinionated, authoritative, hard-working, accomplished, stubborn, restrictive, traditional.

Aquarius – Genius, eccentricity, autonomy, defiance, rebellion, innovation, technology, free creation, group.

Pisces – Romance, suppleness, sensibility, kindness, confusion, chaos, deception, addiction.

What kind of water cups are suitable for different zodiac signs? Each zodiac sign has different personalities, some are strong, some are reserved, some are unrestrained, and some are restrained. Zodiac signs who like everything to be simple are suitable for uncomplicated water cups, which are easy to open and carry; zodiac signs who work delicately like water cups with very good control over details; zodiac signs with strong subjective opinions like water cups with more personality; introverted and decisive zodiac signs like water cups with a strong sense of taste water glass.

In order to satisfy everyone using the water cup corresponding to their own constellation, we have launched the Zodiac, Brahma and Constellation series. This water cup is made of 316 stainless steel, with the best ceramic coating sprayed inside. All plastic materials are food grade, coffee The shape of the cup is designed to meet the ever-changing coffee culture. The twelve constellations are not only different in color, but also have laser constellation patterns on the shoulders of each water cup, and the corresponding constellations are creatively created with Swarovski rhinestones. Let each constellation be unique, and let each Brahma star be shining.

Post time: Jan-02-2024