OBP ocean plastic certification requires traceability labeling of the source of ocean plastic recycled raw materials

Marine plastic poses certain threats to the environment and ecosystems. Large amounts of plastic waste are dumped into the ocean, entering the ocean from land through rivers and drainage systems. This plastic waste not only damages the marine ecosystem, but also affects humans. Moreover, under the action of microorganisms, 80% of plastics are broken down into nanoparticles, which are ingested by aquatic animals, enter the food chain, and are eventually eaten by humans.

PlasticforChange, an OBP-certified coastal plastic waste collector in India, collects marine plastics to prevent them from entering the ocean and harming the natural environment and the health of marine life.

If the collected plastic bottles have recycling value, they will be reprocessed into recycled plastic through physical recycling and provided to downstream yarn manufacturers.

OBP ocean plastic certification has labeling requirements for source traceability of ocean plastic recycled raw materials:

1. Bag Labeling – Bags/superbags/containers with finished products should be clearly marked with the OceanCycle certification mark prior to shipment. This can be printed directly on the bag/container or a label can be used

2. Packing list – should clearly indicate that the material is OCI certified

Receiving Receipts – The organization must be able to demonstrate a receipt system, with the collection center issuing receipts to the supplier, and receipts being issued for material transfers until the material reaches the processing location (e.g., the collection center issues receipts to the consignee, the collection center issues receipts to the collection center and the processor issues a receipt to the aggregation center). This receipt system may be paper or electronic and shall be retained for (5) years

Note: If raw materials are collected by volunteers, the organization should record the date range of collection, materials collected, quantity, sponsoring organization, and destination of the materials. If supplied or sold to a material aggregator, a receipt containing the details should be generated and included in the processor’s Chain of Custody (CoC) plan.

In the medium to longer term, we need to continue to look at key topics, such as rethinking the materials themselves so that they do not pose a risk to our health or the environment, and ensuring that all plastics and packaging are easily recyclable. We must also continue to change the way we live and buy by reducing our consumption of single-use plastics and especially unnecessary packaging, which will contribute to more effective waste management systems globally and locally.

Durian plastic cup

Post time: Oct-16-2023